2015 ~ present
2000 ~ 2003
Based in Cardiff, south Wales, a retired Civil Servant I now operate as an independent Health and Safety Advisor.
Through my Civil Service career I developed an expertise and understanding of sick building syndrome type issues - mostly due to poor or inadequate ventilation or lighting considerations for workers, latterly working closely with highways engineers on sites.
I hold the following qualification:-
I was a 42 year career civil servant and spent most of that time either as a trades union Health and Safety Representative, appointed under the 1977 regulations, or as an outright Health and Safety advisor / manager. When I retired I still had much to offer the Health and Safety profession so took the decision to continue as an independent advisor / consultant.
Hello I'm Martyn Pinches, I am a Chartered Health and Safety Professional and a high level Welsh learner (high level but not fluent). You may also know me as an enthusiastic photographer-in which case you would be better visiting my other website-www.imagewales.co.uk
I am a retired Civil Servant and now offer my skills as an independent Health and Safety advisor following a 40+ years career in which I was closely involved in matters of Health and Safety both as a Trade Union Health and Safety Representative and as a senior manager delivering Health and Safety initiatives and policies.
Today I offer my services to small and start up enterprises, predominantly in the broadcast and performing arts arena although my background covers large office complexes and highway activities.
If you would like to discuss your requirements please email me -