Based in Cardiff, south Wales, a retired Civil Servant I now operate as an independent Health and Safety Advisor.

  • I am a Chartered member of IOSH (the Institution Of Occupational Safety and Health) - CMIOSH 142157
  • I am a member of IIRSM (the International Institute Of Risk and Safety Management) - MIIRSM 302240

Through my Civil Service career I developed an expertise and understanding of sick building syndrome type issues - mostly due to poor or inadequate ventilation or lighting considerations for workers, latterly working closely with highways engineers on sites.

I hold the following qualification:-

  • NEBOSH National Diploma
  • NEBOSH National General Certificate
  • NEBOSH National Certificate in the Management of Health and Wellbeing at Work
  • NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety
  • ILM Level 5 Award in Management

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