Based in Cardiff, south Wales, I was a career civil servant until I retired at the age of 60 - at first in the Department of Industry then in 1985 moved to  Welsh Office which morphed in various stages to become Welsh Government.  During this period I worked within Government finance and procurement frameworks and briefing Ministers.

In 1979 I attended my first First Aid At Work course - I maintained this qualification and progressed to teaching the courses and then to testing candidates on courses run by others - a vocation that continued throughout my following career.  In the same year I also became one of the first Trade Union appointed Safety Representative to be trained under the then new Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 which commenced on 1 October 1978.  I continued as a Trade Union Safety Representative until I moved to Welsh Office in 1985.  

I worked in a range of disciplines until when I was headhunted into the Employee Assistance Unit in 1991 where I led on Health and Safety and First Aid matters as well as tendering and managing a range of high value contracts.  In 1996 I was awarded the NEBOSH National General Certificate In Occupational Safety and Health, went on to be elected as a Technician Safety Practitioner of the Institution Of Occupational Safety And Health.

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